Friday, June 18, 2010

The meaning of LIFE...

The meaning of LIFE

Why are you living (on Earth)?
What are the KEYS to the Kingdom of Heaven?
(According to thousands of near death experience accounts):

          It is about LOVE. One must love self, this way we love God. He is within each of us. We then can love each other (including enemies). When you truly Love God, you become wise. We are here to love life, to live life and express back to our Creator our joy in having life here and seeing how beautiful our world is regardless of how we make it. It is a very beautiful world which we should all stop to take into our souls for nourishment. We are never asked to endure more on this earth that we cannot handle. Our souls agreed to the test. We were confident we could do it too.

          You may have asked yourself: “Why is there good and evil on earth?” It is actually a real battle for our individual souls. It is why we all have a guardian angel or good angel prodding us to do good, and a tormentor tempting us to do wrong. Our Creator does not wish to loose one soul He created because we all are created out of Him and His love. HE is LOVE, LIFE and LIGHT.

          Every soul before coming to earth has personally chosen to take on a physical body and have the life experiences they choose. Do not waste time in suffering in pain instead of using free will to choose true love (God’s Love). You designed the life that you would lead before voluntarily coming into this world. Your free will within a physical body was to be found only by consciously cultivating happiness through thoughts, feelings and actions. Although, you have designed and chosen your own destiny before taking on a physical body, there are many doors and paths that you can choose during your life on earth. When you go to heaven, your mind has an expanded conscience that judges itself with God and sifts its actions through the filter of perfect, conscious love. There is no such thing as death. Eternal life is of the spirit, and the body no longer has a use. It returns to the Earth, from where it came.

          You are given physical eyes for the time you are on earth. These couple of years that you have to spend on earth is a test for your soul. Your true eyes are the eyes of your soul. Close your eyes for a couple of minutes and you may understand. A physically blind man's soul may be more advanced than a man who has physical eyes to see. The physical abnormalities may even be a test on ones soul and for others. It is expected of us to show compassion when we see someone who has been injured, and to remind them that what’s inside is what really matters.

          To take one's physical life is to break that law, with the result that there must be special care and arrangements made in the spiritual world. In other words, breaking natural law must be accounted for before one can go to higher levels. Because the person's life was cut short and his/her work on earth incomplete, it will be necessary to live out this uncompleted time in spirit aiding the very ones on earth who were most hurt by the suicide. Since the motivation for suicide is usually to avoid unhappiness, we can assume that the spirit takes such unhappiness into the spiritual world. Any problems experienced on earth are always better worked out on earth. The person who commits suicide has taken his life before his mission on earth has been completed.

          There is a spiritual war around every one of us that we do not see. Every person has good and bad spirits around us. It is up to every individual to stay in good faith and try hard to not let our soul fall into the hands of the bad spirits. These bad spirits are waiting for you and everyone around you to ignore God's Love and to bring evil into this world. That is why it is important to choose the people you communicate with. If you do to choose to communicate with people that have a troubled soul...then you might strongly want to consider helping them (this way you not only help their soul, but you help God's will to make earth like heaven).

          Discrimination or any kind of judgment towards another race / illness / handicap…(whatever) will leave your soul in trouble. Each soul has agreed to the physical features, whether female, male, parents, location, type of illness and/or handicap before entering this world. God wants to see how each person will react when they are approached by any of them and even those who live with them. Always show love. Every person has a mission to do before they die. Each soul has also agreed to be "born" into a specific family. God shows you the situation and problems that you will have to solve before you go down to earth. Examine your life in the past...there is a reason for anything that occurs in this world. This is God's way of giving you chances to improve your soul as well as helping others. God's timing is always accurate. God gives you lessons in each person's life...even if they may seem to be painful- such as: sickness, loss of family, loss of money, an angered family member ...and so on. No matter what troubled situation it may be...God wants to see how each person will handle the situation. Remember...this world is just a test for your soul. Try to help as many souls as you can. Most people on this earth don't know that this world is just a school with many tests. Don't you want to graduate with accomplishment? Before you came to this earth.....not only did you choose to come to the specific parents you've chosen, (example: you choose your classes). Every person has free will. Although you may choose any path, the outcome of every path is already known by God. It is important to choose the right paths so others may also be able to choose the right paths. In heaven, you know the people you will be involved with. All this is "forgotten" as the baby becomes more of this world. Life on earth is supposed to be a test for your soul. Always think twice before speaking or doing anything. Everything is "recorded" at all times. Your thoughts and feelings and even peoples thoughts and feelings around you are recorded and stored in their conscience for eternity. When you die, everything is examined in front of God. When you die, other souls in heaven can take a "second" glimpse of your entire life (with all the thoughts and feelings you had, including the thoughts and feelings of people who you affected) for examination. (There's no judgment by others in heaven.) Even when you die, this still doesn’t mean that your soul has completely finished its task. You’ve soul has matured much more by choosing to live on earth for a period of time in order to spread God's Love…but there are "schools and levels" in heaven to also help mature your soul. (These "schools" or "classes" in heaven take longer for your accomplishment, according to many near death experiencers.)

          Each soul agrees/accepts to their illnesses and struggles in the life that they choose. Remember this world is just a test to get your soul to a higher maturation. Each soul has to do their best in doing everything in life through love. We are all Gods children…this means He has unconditional love for us. If you fail a task, don’t worry…God will throw you another one to see if you can pass. Always pray to God and tell others to pray too. This is very important because many don’t realize their purpose on this earth. Ask for forgiveness when you fail. Sometimes bad things that happen in life can actually bring a person or more closer to God. Those who feel a great amount of guilt and shame and feel that they are unworthy or incapable of being loved by God…are the ones that we need to help. We need to teach those who remain tortured in the shadows to awaken and realize that their turmoil is of no need. God is pure LOVE. The experiences these souls had on earth were just that, an experience and part of their mission. When they learn to let go of the guilt and shame they will return back to the light.

          Understand: that there is no God outside ourselves but is, rather, in everything and everything is a part of God, as is life itself.

          That everything is part of an essential game of life itself, and that to the degree that we live by true love--unconditional and universal--the closer we are to an understanding of what life truly is, which is true happiness and perfect wisdom.

         That everything is experience and that this life and the next are essentially the same because everything is God. Nothing is outside of god just as nothing is outside of life itself.

          "I," includes "We," and are like a mirror where we perceive the reflection of our reality in its many facets and illusions.

          Our souls in heaven can choose to be born on earth when we want to- but we go when God’s will appoints our time. Everything is connected with full knowledge and understanding in Heaven. He has predestined our births, our purpose, and our mission in life, and our time to leave, to pass on to go home (although we can always change it because we have free will). When you or others around you ignore God's Love, there will be situtions in your life that will remind you (hopefully teaches you) that doing only the will of God is the only way. If you refuse all the signs that God gives you, then you are endangering your own soul, as well as other souls that you encounter with. Before you come down to earth, God shows you an overview of the people and events that you will deal with. (All of this information wiped out from memory since you are born into this world.) You are able to always change the path of your destiny through prayer and actions. (Always pause and think before you do anything- because the outcome of your actions may lead another soul to make mistakes). Your soul matures when you learn from your mistakes. As strange as it sounds: your sin may help other people around you learn from your mistake. Everyone on this earth will encounter sins in their lives. Sometimes bad things happen for a reason. God will not interfere with your life that has already been predestined or known, unless you pray and ask him to (which is what God is waiting for you to do). There are sins and bad events that will occur in your life in order for your soul to mature. Your soul will mature much further if you pray that you will not be tempted into sin. By praying and becoming spiritual, your life and as well as other lives will be affected in a positive way (like a chain reaction or domino effect that spreads LOVE). By praying to God to avoid sin, you prove that Satan (evil) is defeated. Every person has free will, therefore you can choose which ever pathway you want. God already knows what is behind every pathway you choose. The importance of the future of each human and how each individual plays on earth is an important part in the development of each of us as a whole. We're all connected to each other and if our life's plan is not fulfilled, it impacts the whole.

          You’ll want all the difficult tasks you can get so your soul can mature at a higher level. (You have chosen and agreed to all the difficulties in this life from before you came to earth). Everyone on this earth has obstacles to go through. God throws them at you because He wants to see your soul grow.

          For example: A family member has cancer. (Again; each soul chooses/accepts their illnesses before being born into this world.) There’s a reason why this person has cancer. It helps people to work together to form a more positive atmosphere…only if each individual chooses to do so. The family members feel sorrow and shows love to the one with cancer. They may even try to become closer to the one with cancer. They may even start praying to God more. The family may sense more closeness. And, the individual with cancer may even try to become closer to God.

          Each soul is in a certain level in which we have certain lessons to learn. When we fail at our lessons on earth, we still have to continue learning. Religion is a ladder of a soul's maturity. Each religion is a sort of school grade. For every person that completely devotes themselves in their religion during their stay on earth (what ever that religion may be), is helping their soul to mature. Respect all religions, because each soul had already chosen to be in that religion for their own "level". Each individual has the ability to help another soul mature.

         One question that is often debated is wheather an individuals capacity for spirituality determined by brain chemistry. Brain chemicals associated with anxiety and other emotions, including joy and sadness, appeared to be in play in the deep meditative states of prayer. There comes a stage in spiritual development when you will experience the conflict between the fears of the ego and the power of spirit. One moment spirituality is in the forefront. The next moment it is the ego dominating your thoughts and actions. Your True Personality is coming forth into your consciousness and is a more powerful vibration than the ego. As your True Self emerges it will challenge how you think, how you see the world, and how you live your life. As spiritual awareness begins to grow stronger the ego will begin to diminish. The ego has no power against the higher vibrations of your True Self, but it will resist. This time of conflict will be a time of fear and confusion as the ego struggles to survive.

Why we are here:

#1. To become separate unique individuals.

#2. To experience time and space.

#3. To gather memories of what it feels like to have a physical body, which we do by forming memory in our conscience which we will use after we die to re-create an image of a physical body using the quantum physics principle of "thoughts being things" or "consciousness creating reality".

#4 To understand that LOVE equals God and hate / sin equals Satan.

#5 To win a spiritual war by helping yourself and others by making heaven on earth.


         We become unique separate individuals by experiencing separation and by experiencing duality. Some people experience death of a loved one, divorce, distant relationships... (they feel what if it's like to have separation). Earth has time and space - so we experience the emotions of how it feels when a loved one moves far away. Race, religions, our weight, height, color, culture, socio-economic status, personality, emotions, etc. all exist for the sole purpose of teaching us what it means to be "separate" because on the other side the feeling of oneness and connectedness are overwhelming due to it's holographic nature. Even crooked teeth, the bumps on our noses, shapes of our faces, etc., all teach us what it feels like to be a unique individual. That's why we have to live a life in a physical body, so we'll know what it feels like to be an individual. The feelings of oneness and connectedness are so overwhelming on the other side that "individuality" may be the only thing that can't be learned while existing in Heaven. Everything in the physical universe exists in a "dual" state so that we can identify with it, and thus imprint on our consciousness what it means to be "separate."

          Our original form is made of light because our creator is made of light. All is connected, seen and unseen by the human eye. We humans don't understand and feel the connectedness while living on earth.

        The other side is the world of the quantum, where thoughts are things, and where consciousness creates reality. It is also totally holographic in nature. That's why many NDEs say that they went into a "hall of learning" or "place of knowledge" and it seemed like to them the building was "made of knowledge."

         We don't live for just ourselves, but for all the consciousness in the entire universe. The knowledge and memories and feelings that we are learning and storing do not belong to us alone, but will be available for everyone to use after they cross over so they can create a reality and learn on the other side. Everything is shared on the other side. It's a place where there is no separation. We all joined in on this experience before being physically born on earth. Many NDE's try to explain the knowledge that they received, but realized the difficulty due to the limitations of the human brain. Time and space doesn't exist when we are out of our bodies.

         We are all brothers and sisters under the skin, and we all exist under one Creator. (We are all consciencelly connected and intertwined with God).

         We are all connected as one. We think that we do not have any responsibility to a stranger because we do not recognize them, but we do. In essence, we are the same as they, intertwined together like a complex wiring system. This is why that old familiar phrase, “what goes around comes around” rings true.

         If being cruel made another person fail to complete whatever job they were sent here to do, we will have to complete that task for them. That is why we often hear others say, “I feel like I have lived five lifetimes.”

          In heaven, we get the privilege of seeing another person’s heart as God would see it, so we can understand how someone might react differently than we would to a particular situation. In one indecent for example, you may have come across someone who was very standoffish. After looking into their heart, you will see how they had been injured spiritually and acted harshly towards others out of fear. Try to understand that not every action from another person was about you or towards you. Usually it is about them. Since they are your "brothers and sisters," you will want to try to bring them closer to God. Every soul from the beginning wanted to show others on earth the Truth. Try to help them stay on track so we can all accomplish God's work.


          During your life review, you will be able to judge yourself because you gain knowledge in heaven to do so. You will observe, feel and understand why everything happened the way it happened during every second of your life that you had on earth. By seeing other people’s hearts and knowing how they were affected, you will feel remorseful and ashamed.

         These are four helpful rules or agreements that every person should follow:

(1) Be Impeccable (faultless) With Your Word. The broad scope of this concept is to avoid sin against yourself by what you think. Sinning against the self takes many forms: such as, putting yourself down, gossiping, or putting anybody else down because you don't agree with what they think. Actions and words need to be consistent as part of being impeccable with yourself. Our perceptions of others are merely reflections of ourselves. Therefore, to put another down or project negative words or energy towards another person, is to lash out at the other person because of our own insecurities. Being impeccable with your word is the correct use of energy; it means to use your energy in the direction of love and truth for yourself and others. This is a powerful concept about using free will to make correct choices that lead one closer to God.

(2) Don't Take Anything Personally. There is an awful lot of negative energy out there and some of it is directed at us by other people. If you take it personally and take on the poison of another persons words, it becomes a very negative agreement you have with yourself. What anybody thinks about you, or says about you, is really about them. Not taking it personally allows you to be in relationship with anyone and not get trapped in their stuff. This agreement can also pertain to things that we take personally that cause us to go into upset.

(3) Don't Make Assumptions. What we think we understand about what someone says, how someone looks at us, what someone means by what they do, etc, may often not reflect reality at all, and more often than not lead us to think badly of ourselves or of others, and reinforce not being impeccable with our word.

(4) Always Do Your Best. Your "best" is a variable thing from moment to moment. God knows what is in your heart. Always try to do your best in every situation. Although there are those around you that may not agree to your thoughts, it is important to speak up and to act upon what is right. The other key to doing your best revolves about being in action. Action is about living fully. Inaction is the way that we deny life. Inaction is sitting in front of the television every day for years because you are afraid to be alive and to take the risk of expressing yourself. Expressing yourself is taking action. You can have many great ideas in your head, but what makes the difference is the action. Without action upon an idea, there will be no manifestation, no results, and no reward. (We all agreed to be "soldiers" on earth with a mission to spread God's Love).


For Christians- (and those choosing to accept Christianity)

         The world of the Lord is real. Every person is called to realize himself in the world of the Lord. There is no other way to this world but one. This way is Jesus Christ. The only provision and protection needed for this journey on this way is love. We must all love one another with no return, no conditions or limitations. In order for us to extend such love, we must immerse ourselves in the fountain of love: Jesus Christ, through prayer.

          All people have ears to listen. Few listens, few of who listens understands and few of who listens and understands, works. Listen, understand and do the will of God." The person who prays lives the mystery of existence, and the person who does not pray, hardly exists!

          Examine your conscience, reflect, repent and renew your life! The Lord has created each human being to shine, to enlighten the world; you are the light of the world. Each man is a lantern meant to shine; the Lord has provided a clear and transparent glass to the lantern, to enable that light to shine and illuminate the world; but they are taking care of the glass and forgetting about the light; they are caring about the glass shape, coloring and decorating it, until it becomes thick, opaque, preventing light from shining forth, and thus is the world drowned in darkness. The Lord insists on illuminating the world. Your glass must become transparent again. You should realize the purpose for which you are born in this world.

          Christ knows what is in your heart, and it is your heart that he wants. Don't seek for the truth outside the Christ; when you know the Christ, you will know the Truth and you will be free. The Christ wants you to be free. Fear not, and be sure that the Christ has defeated the world.

          If we want to have Jesus in our heart, we have to open it to everyone, we must be ready to make a place there for our worst enemy, and not to worry whether the Lord Jesus will prepare this place, as God performs a heart-transplant on us, taking the old heart out and giving us his own heart, a heart full of love.

          We will have to strip our hearts naked before God, seek him in a way which is keen and profound, because God will not give his precious treasures, nor the gift of love, to those who are content with being mediocre, superficial Christians. God expects us to be spiritual beings, ready to follow him wherever he may send us, whatever may come to pass. All of us need God to break down everything in us which it does not please him to see in our lives, we must be ready for the Spirit of God to enter us and have done with the works of the flesh, so that from thenceforth the light of the love of God may shine through us, in such a way as to put the Enemy completely to flight.

         But this requires of us a total submission to Him, surrendering everything to him and following him, taking the decision to say: "Lord, break me in pieces and remake me as you want me to be."

         We must not fear death; rather we should fear life, since we do not know what awaits us tomorrow on earth. If we follow Gods Word, you are sure that after death, heaven awaits us and that the Lord watches over us. Let us acknowledge that God is great and that only in those final moments before death do we realize, through Him, that however much glory, power and riches we have been able to lay up on this Earth, it all disappears before the supreme greatness of the Lord, and we surrender in his presence.

         Therefore, we must love all people without exception; love them as we love ourselves.

         We give love when we fulfill the great mission. How will people believe in the love of God if they have not heard it spoken of? How can they hear of this love if nobody proclaims the message to them? What greater love, than to tell the world about the love of our Lord Jesus Christ?


Words from the Bible:

1 A.D. Holy Scripture: New Testament

...Whoever hears my word and believes Him who sent me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life...

I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. (John 11:25,26-5:24)

If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body...And just as we have borne the likeness of earthly man, so shall we bear the likeness of the man from heaven. (Corinthians 15:50)

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (II Corinthians 4:18)

...The body without the spirit is dead. ... (James 2:26)

As long as we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord... (glory to those) who would prefer to be away from the body and at home with the Lord. (II Corinthians 5:5-6)

Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account. (Hebrews 4:13)

God will give to each person according to what he has done. (Romans 2:6)